Almost the end…

Less than a week until I go home, which is super crazy. This week will be mostly full of tests and projects and other such boring things, and then a bunch of crazy goodbye stuff.

On Sunday I made chocolate chip cookies with my host sisters, which was really fun. We found chocolate chips (sort of), which was amazing because they don’t use them in Russia. Considering the fact that I guessed on most of the measurements and cooking time, they actually turned out pretty well. I think my host family liked them too, which was good. My American friends did too; a little taste of home. Unfortunately, they’re all gone now. I guess I’ll just have to make some when I get back!

I’ve been watching a little bit of the Olympics, too, but not that much. I hardly ever have free time. It’s weird to see only the Russians, though, instead of the Americans. It’s interesting. I watched some gymnastics; I think I heard that there is a Tatar girl on the Russian gymnastics team, so everyone from here is pretty proud.

We went to a monastery yesterday, which was alright. Nothing too exciting, but it was a nice environment. Today was a test, which I actually did really well on for once, and tomorrow we’re presenting projects, which will be horrible. I will survive somehow. Tomorrow is also a test for NSLI-Y, but in the evening. And then final exam Thursday. This is too weird. Only about 5 days left in Kazan…

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