About Kazan

As you know, I’ll be living in Kazan, Russia for six weeks. Here is pretty much everything I know about Kazan from Google and Wikipedia:

  • It is about half Muslim and half Christian, and is said to be very accepting of all religions. They have some really nice mosques. They also have and LDS branch, yay!
  • It is in the republic of Tatarstan, which makes the city half Tatar and half Russian. Everyone pretty much speaks Russian, but the street signs are in Tatar and Russian.
  • They are the “third capital of Russia”, whatever that means.
  • They are a big sporting city, and will be hosting some big sporting events in the near future (I think the World Cup??)
  • The city does have a metro, with eight whole stops! I think I’ll mostly be using the busses and trams.

Thats pretty much all I know about my host city. Should be fun!

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